Featured Videos For 31 December 2017

Here are some featured videos for 31 December 2017

Mark Steyn on Fox News

Jordan Peterson interviewing 2 Wilfred Laurier University professors about the Lindsay Shepherd case and the current state of Freedom of Speech on University Campuses.

A Christmas “greeting” from ISIS – from MEMRI.org

Milo in Australia

Robert Spencer speaking to the David Horowitz Freedom Center on the Islamophobia Fantasy vs. Reality

Mark Steyn on views about Christmas

Featured Video: Mark Steyn on the Lindsay Shepherd case – 6 December 2017

Here is an excellent Mark Steyn video about the Lindsay Shepherd case. For those who are unaware of the Lindsay Shephard case, Lindsay Shepherd was a teaching assistant at Wilfred Laurier University who showed her class an excerpt from an Ontario public TV featuring Jordan Peterson and was hauled before a university tribunal for doing so. This is an important case about academic freedom on university campuses.  We have posted several videos of LIndsay Shepherd discussing her case on The Rubin Report and the Saad Truth. To see that post, click here.